School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering




Patent Title Department Authors Application No Application Date Patent Grant Date Patent No
Porous Silicon from Metal-Silicon Alloy and Process for its Manufacture School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Mr. Anil D Pathak, Dr. Kishor K Sahu, Dr. Shoobankar Pati, Prof. Animesh Mondal 201631017873 24.05.2016 31.01.2023 419812
Graphene coated metal/metal alloy wire and its process of manufacture School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Mr. Soumyabrata Basak, Mr. Turin Dutta, Mr. Anil D Pathak, Mr. V Sai Pranav, Ms. Shreeja Das, Dr. Amritendu Roy, Dr. Kishor K Sahu 201631017052 17.05.2016 16.07.2021 372089
A Process for Sintering of Aluminium Powder Compacts in Ambient Atmospheric Air Furnace and Products obtained thereof School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar, School of Biotechnology and KIMS, KIIT University Mr. Abhijit Pattnayak, Mr. Kasimuthumaniyan S, Dr. Kalyani Mohanta 201631002550 22.01.2016 09.11.2023 467627
Porous Mn2O3 Structure, Method of Making Porous Mn2O3 Structure And its application in Metal Air/Ion Battery Comprising the same School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Dr. K. K. Sahu, Mr. Pranav V. Sai, Mr. Anil D Pathak, Mr. Satyajit Rath 201831004103 02.02.2018 15.12.2023 483602
Mixed metal oxides based fixed-bed reactor concept for hybrid thermo-chemical fuel production. School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Dr. Randhir Singh, Mr. Amit Anand, Dr. Soobhankar Pati, Dr. Kisor Kumar Sahu 1343/KOL/2014 23.12.2014 19.12.2023 485549
Nano-Material For Joining of Nanostructured Materials and a Method Thereof School of Basic Sciences and School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Dr. S. Chattarjee, Mr. Satayanarayan Dhal, Dr. K. K. Sahu, Mr. Anil D. Pathak, Mr. Pritam Das 201731005578 16.02.2017 07.02.2024 508031
A Vibrating Inclined Slope Set-Up for Melt Conditioning of Alloys. School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar Prof. Brij K Dhindaw, Prof. Animesh Mandal, Mr. Nitin Gupta 201831030977 18.08.2018 21.02.2024 513585
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