Dr. Maya Katapadi Kini
Assistant Professor
- Room No: 114, SMMME
- mayakini@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Biosketch
- Research
- Projects
- Teaching
- Mentoring
- Publication International
- Conference International
- Conference National
- Books & Patents
- Education
- Experience
- Awards
Research Interests
- Thin film mechanics and micromechanics
- Multi principal element alloy / high entropy alloy thin films
- Structural ceramics,Experimental mesoscale mechanics
- Materials characterization
- Physical Metallurgy
- Advanced Physical Metallurgy
- Elements of Electroceramics
- Mechanical behavior of materials
- Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
- Materials characterization lab II
- Introduction to Materials lab
- Ph.D., Materials Engineering, IISc, 2017
- M.E., Materials Engineering, IISc, 2009
- B.Tech., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NITK Surathkal, 2007
- Assistant professor Grade I, SMMME, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, December 22 onwards
- Assistant professor Grade I , Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, December 21-December 22
- Assistant Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering & CRF, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, September – November 21
- Post-doctoral researcher, Structure and Nano-/micromechanics, Max Planck institute for Iron research, Dusseldorf, August 16- January 21
Selected recent publications and talks
- An invited talk on “Twins and micromechanics” in a workshop on “Micromechanics and it’s applications” at Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science department, IIT Bombay in November 2024.
- “Equiatomic CoCrFeNi alloy thin films on c-sapphire: The role of twins and orientation relationships”, Adv. Engg. Mater, 26 (2024) 2400720, https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202400720
- “Size dependent strength, slip transfer and slip compatibility in nanotwinned silver”, Acta Materialia, 184 (2020) 120- 131, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2019.11.042
- “Grain boundary crystallography in polycrystalline yttria stabilized cubic zirconia”, Philosophical Magazine, 98 (2018) 1865 – 1883, https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2018.1464677
Number of publications 8 (Scopus)
Cumulative impact factor 42.5 (Clarivate)
Number of citations 68 (Scopus)
h-index 5 (Scopus)
Student supervision (recent)
- M.Tech.
- “Grain growth resistant cubic zirconia – MWCNT composites”, Suman Mahata, 2024-25, IIT Bhubaneswar, (ongoing)
- “Formation of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YCZ) – Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) composites through powder route”, Dipankar Patra, 2023-24, IIT Bhubaneswar
- B.Tech.
- “Small scale recycling of Aluminum beverage cans”, Aditya K. Dalei, 2023-24, IIT Bhubaneswar (ongoing)
- “Grain growth behavior of commercially available copper sheets”, Prince Parimal, 2023-24, IIT Bhubaneswar
- Short term
- “Rare earth doped 8 mol% Yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (8YCZ) “, Yash A. Singh and Shrey Dhakar (ongoing)
- “Recrystallisation and grain growth in commercially available Cu sheets”, Vishal K. Mandal (IIT Bhubaneswar), June 2024
- “Doping of 8 mol% Yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (8YCZ) with Sm2O3”, Shubham Kumar (VNIT), June 2024
Academic awards and honors
- Fellowship of the Max Planck Society for post-doctoral research from August 2016 to July 2018.
- DST-ITS travel grant for attending 12th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science in 2013.
- Selected for ‘Women in Technology and Science Meet’ (WITS)’ – India at John F. Welch Technology Centre at GE Global Research, Bangalore in 2011.
- K.K. Malik medal by The Council, IISc, Banglore for the best M.E. student in Materials Engineering for the years 2008-09.
- NITK medal for first position in B.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at NITK, Surathkal in 2007.
- All India ranks of 4th and 35th in GATE in the years 2007 and 2006 respectively.
Grain growth resistant ceramics; Multi principal element alloy (HEA) thin films; Twinning induced orientations in thin films; Mesoscale experimental mechanics;
- Physical metallurgy
- Advanced physical metallurgy
- Mechanical behavior of Materials
- Introduction to Materials science and engineering
- Elements of Electroceramics
- Materials characterization lab II
- Introduction to Materials lab
Title | Type | Name of the student | Year | Institute |
Grain growth resistant cubic zirconia – MWCNT composites | M.Tech. project | Suman Mahata | ongoing | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Formation of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YCZ) – Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) composites through powder route | M.Tech. project | Dipankar Patra | 2023-24 | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Recycling Al cans in small scale | B.Tech. project | Aditya K. Dalei | ongoing | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Grain growth behavior of commercially available copper sheets | B.Tech. project | Prince Parimal | 2023-24 | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Lead free solder alloys through the powder route | B.Tech. project | Vishal Yadav,
Md. Zulquar Nain |
2022-23 | IIT Jammu |
The role of twinning on the formation of unusual orientation relationships in epitaxial fcc thin films | B.Tech. project | Soubhav | 2022-23 | IIT Jammu |
Formation of dense Cu-Ni alloys through the powder route | B.Tech. project | Harshit Singh,
Manbir Singh |
2022-23 | IIT Jammu |
Recrystallisation and grain growth in commercially available Cu sheets | Internship | Vishal Mandal | 2023-24 | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Doping of 8 mol% Yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (8YCZ) with Sm2O3 | Internship | Shubham Kumar (VNIT) | 2023-24 | IIT Bhubaneswar |
Rare earth doped 8 mol% Yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (8YCZ) | Short term project | Yash Aryan Singh,
Shrey Dhakar |
2024-25 | IIT Bhubaneswar |
A computer program to plot stereographic projection of cubic crystals | Internship | Aditi T
Ingle Manali Anil |
2022-23 | IIT Bhubaneswar (online) |
Grain size and pore area fraction variation with sintered density | Internship | Md. Zulquar Nain | 2021-22 | IIT Jammu
(online) |
Relative grain growth behaviour and grain size distribution in undoped and titania doped tetragonal zirconia at a selected temperature | Internship | Harshit Singh | 2021-22 | IIT Jammu
(online) |
Zirconia copper composites through powder processing | Internship | Piyush Silotiya | 2021-22 | IIT Jammu
(offline) |
- Dislocation slip in nanotwinned Ag micropillars, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2019.11.042
- The {345} orientation in CoCrFeNi alloy thin films!, https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202400720
- Sigma 11 in YSZ?!, https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2018.1464677
- Diffusion creep in zirconia, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-2916.2010.03617.x
- How do Ag films deform?, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.056
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
PhD | Materials Engineering | 2017 | IISc, Bangalore |
ME | Materials Engineering | 2009 | IISc, Bangalore |
B.Tech. | Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | 2007 | NITK, Surathkal |
- Assistant professor, IIT Bhubaneswar (from December 22) ;
- Assistant professor, Materials Engineering, IIT Jammu, J & K, (December 21 – December 22) ;
- Assistant Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering and Central Research Facility, NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, (September – November 21);
- Post-doctoral researcher at Max Planck institute for Iron Research, Dusseldorf, Germany, (August 16 – January 2021) (worked on: “GB CORRELATE”, “Analysis of the thermal stability of the High Entropy Alloys by Dewetting of thin films (AHEAD)” , nanotwinned Ag).
- Fellowship of the Max Planck Society for post-doctoral research from August 2016 to July 2018.
- DST-ITS travel grant for attending 12th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science in 2013.
- Selected for ‘Women in Technology and Science Meet’ (WITS)’ – India at John F. Welch Technology Centre at GE Global Research, Bangalore in 2011.
- K.K. Malik medal by The Council, IISc, Banglore for the best M.E. student in Materials Engineering for the years 2008-09.
- NITK medal for first position in B.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at NITK, Surathkal in 2007.
- All India ranks of 4th and 35th in GATE in the years 2007 and 2006 respectively.